Drawn in Canada, in the dark, on a deflating air bed that was giving me some serious vertigo.
Yeah, so here are Tom's older brothers... err fathers... genetic donors... Um, let's just stick with brothers. William, Theodore (goddamn my lack of imagination!), Sylvan, Owen, and Frederique (AKA ZaR), who's not there. The reason for their cruddy names, is UNSA experiments need specifically unique names. So there won't be five million Johns, or something. If they're fortunate, they actually get a name; if not, numbers and letters, baby.
Some of you might already know these four, just by a different name. The Sick One, No One, Worm and Teddy. The last one is sooo painfully obvious. 8D
*coughs* I know, I really screwed up Willi's hands. Actually it was just his hand on Teddy, but I decided maybe I could pass it off as intentional, by doing it to the other hand too. Fail. ;_;
My mother thinks Sylvan's walking around with his head in his hands. D; Curse my unskilled hunchback drawing skills.
Characters / Art (C) 2008 Sceadu FerDeu