I was listening to that one ending theme song of the anime "Vampire Knights" when I realized the song was called "Still Doll" and I kept thinking that Sophia fits this. X_X
So yeah, Sophia Summers, the Queen of Darkness more likely.
When inking her face I had to redo it like 3217436589 times!!!!
Just kidding, MUCH less than that. >> 15 at max...ish.
The cracked mirror came out really nice. I could have put a reflection in there, but I didn't quite work out so well when I tried. O_<
And at first, I wanted Sophia to be crying tears of blood! Dx But Roxanne said she should just be smiling to how she's like the queen. >>
Oh well.
The lunar moon totally ruined the background skies... >>
*NOTE: OMG!!!!! I forgot there's supposed to be trees out her window since the mansion they live in is in the depths of the woods... >>
I'm making a small series of the girls of "Burnin' the Bridge" in elements that fit them.
Roxanne and I have already made the list.
-Roxanne - Fire
-Raven - Lightening
-Nadeshiko - Water
-Kyoung-Mi - Earth/Trees
-Sophia - Darkness
-Elizabeth - Air/Wind
All explantions will be explained once artworks come up.
Until then, expect to see them soon! ^^
Sophia (c) Sophie-chan
Artwork (c) MEIN