Yeah...not the best title ^^;;
HIGH RESOLUTION IF YOU WANT TO SEE ALL THE DETAILS 0___o(UGH I had to shrink it because of height requirements T___T)
=P Anywhos, moving on~
My first time EVER drawing Cloud Strife in his Kingdom Hearts 1 outfit =P Um..I'm not a total expert on Cloud *has never played Final Fantasy 0___o* but lately Sakurie-chan has kind of made me want to draw him =P So I thought, why not? (he is like my favorite character~)
I'm REALLY proud of this though, it's the first time in a REALLY long while I've drawn a character without a pose reference ^^ It's actually the best pencil drawing I've ever done~
Oh and since this was my first time drawing him, I of course had to reference the hair/weapon/outfit @___@ which took me AGES.
Started out as a sketch, then I decided that I hadn't done a pencil drawing in a REALLY long time, so I wanted to with this ^^
For Sakurie-chan because of our crazy stories which inspired me to try drawing him in the first place =P And thankies to you too Ima-chan for the info about the wing(I wasn't too sure about it ^^:;) and all of you guys for supporting me! *huggles you all*
I'm not expecting many hugs on this but who cares, I made a pencil drawing I'm really proud of and that's that ^^
Done ALL in mechanical pencil
(If you want to know how I did the shading, pm me or guess if you'd like =P it's a secret hehe)
Cloud Strife(c)Square Enix
Enjoy everyone ^^