My best coloring in PS ever!
I'm so proud of the this! line art and all! I was just going to do something with the background only but then I start coloring the hair and this was the result. I wanted to do more falt colors with this but with shadows in some areas to, I think did a good job .
I came up with dark ichigo when I was watching salor moon (of course) and saw wicked lady. I always thought that she was awesome even when I was younger. So then I thought "what about a dark ichigo?". I went up stairs and start drawing!
I want to do the other mews dark too! I was oringally (damn bad spelling) going to color this with color pencils but then I got warpped up with PS. I still want to color it by hand though, I didn't color anything in a while and I got to keep up my skills.
Please enjoy because I colored it with love,joy and back pain. (damn chair)
Oh yeah, before any ask I kept her ears white because I thought it looked good on her. :D