Okay, everyone... For once, I kind sort of went positively crazy with colors on this one O_o.
I just got an idea in my head of the ribbons in the girl's hair, and this... what-you-may-call-it happened. I mean, it shows contrast in the pink and black, like prep or goth (sterotypes), you know? And her outfit... the top is colorful, yet her dress is black, white, and red.
I just put down whatever I was feeling, I guess. Hey, that's what artists usually do when they don't have any other ideas, right?
Question: Judging by the color contrast deal, how would you think I was feeling while I drew this? I mean what the color thing stands for?
[I just think it's interesting to see what you all would say, after all this a crazy piece of work here!]
Items Used:
1) Pencil
2) Color pencils
3) Markers