Family living yields boredom. It's not a boring class, it's just that there are long dry spells during note taking. I alleviate this problem by doodling some painfully adorable chibis.
This just so happens to be one of them, and how appropriate that the original doodle was on...well, you can see the notes there.
From episode 524 "12 To The Moon". For the curious, the lady is Nuveena, a 'woman of the future' [see the short attached to the episode] who always danced and sung and who could only be communicated to through song. She had Mike totally sold, until she started to bake with the 'bots and said they were only good for such things. [Cheesy message: POWER OF FRIENDSHIP]
"Nuveena...Even though it breaks my heart, I'm going to have to ask depart."
"...Oh. Well, get bent you turd!"
Mike does a kickass baritone.