Well, this is the first half of Mad Hatter Belia's request. she requested anything from kingdom hearts, so that is what I did.
The reason Axel is holding Sora close is because Sora was poisoned by Xemnas right before Axel's eyes and now Axel is helping him to safety and a antidote.
I felt that I really portrayed the image well, and the thought is totally there, and you can also tell that Axel is intent on saving Sora just by his body language and his expression.
my origanal idea was to have Axel kidnapping Kairi and Sora trying to reach out to grab Kairi. but Axel is almost always portrayed as the bad guy, I just needed to show that everyone, even the bad, have a good side, it just takes something special to let it show through
I really hope you like it Belia.
votes/faves/comments are wanted, and appreciated