I WAS WORKING ON IT THEN THE POWAR SHUT OFF ;;;; A;;;; but s'okay now.
I inked the sketch, but I forgot it was in my "PENCILS ONLY BECAUSE OF SHIT PAPER" sketch book. so I couldn't erase the pencils. so I tried cleaning it up in photoshop, but then it still looked terrible. ; A; so then I put it through VECTORMAGIC.COM ♥
anyway, this is her ref. her outfit consists of gray, pink, and off white. she's got awesome gun holsters that I designed LOOONG ago but needed a character to use them ♥ they hold up her stockings at the same time :iconimhappyplz: GENIUS. The pistol is in her right holster and the uzi in the left. she's got a scarf, cause that's what's in season for fall - u-; urhurhur... she kinda has a diamond design like kotte on her front. and slouchy boots. C:
any questions?!!?! *fail*