Ha ha ha this are my classmates again. From left to right: Mariana, Mayra and Zitlaly... Mariana has been requesting me to draw her anime-style, so I started and I said "Hey, I'll make some dresses up and then I'll draw Mayra and Zitlaly too!!"
Mariana's Dress: I called it "Pinkstar", it's not hard to realize why...
Mayra's Dress: It's a dark blue version of the uniform for the female characters in my manga "Tears of a Colorblind"... And it's ovbiously called "Colorblind uniform"
Zitlaly's Dress: It was a random drawing, I called it "Nat"... It stands for 'nature' because of the colors... My brothers says it looks like a faerie dress...
If you want to request an amanita muscaria work with some of this dresses, please pm me and tell me the colors you want me to use ^___^
~Amanita Muscaria Productions