These were two different painting assignments that I just scanned and put together in paint. The entire assignment was to draw 6 circles, and in 5 of them, practice different painting styles (we did this for both water colors and acrylics) and in the 6th circle, we were to paint of apple. And yes, when I was painting these apples, each time I was thinking about Death Note, and this line ran through my mind countless times. I think my friend Christina was sick of it by the third day, if not sooner. (she was also in my painting class.)
I, personally, like the water color one (the right apple) better. It looks more like an apple. Heehee and it has a shadow *was too lazy to paint a shadow on the acrylic apple*
Enjoy your apples! XD
Yamis Pharaohess (Fan Art Portfolio) Delicious Apples
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