Jay-san80 (Fan Art Portfolio) The Same Thing

The Same Thing

Title: The Same Thing

The Story:
Like many others out there, these three always had some kind of “Take over the World” scheme planned. They were odd plans, and usually ended up with failure, but they were pretty amusing.

My Take:
If it hasn’t occurred to you, “Pinky & the Brain” was a big influence on this one. At some point, I wanted to use that in some form, but I wasn’t able to come up with a way to do it.
A while back, I talked to a friend on DA and she suggested I give the DBZ 100 Themes a try…which will come little by little.

What I Like Most:
I do like how Pilaf came out, and Mai didn’t come out too badly either. Because Shu wasn’t coming out too well, I decided to put a bar in front of him, with a few random things including a list of failed takeover plans, the old hypnotic pancake batter, “Brain Flakes” cereal

What I Dislike Most:
Lately I’ve been giving myself a hard time over the smallest things…and I guess it’s because I’ve come to expect a lot out of myself. I wanted the background to look like an old run-down warehouse…and it somewhat looks the way I want, but still looks like something is missing. Also I’m not too pleased with how Shu came out, he gave me much more trouble that I thought he would.

Final Thoughts:
For those of you that are new to my drawings, I use a different style than you are used to. This style is most noticeable when I do DragonBall characters. I have nothing against the original style, but I’m not going to try to be someone that I’m not. I want to have a style of my own.

DragonBall Fan Art
emperor plaf, mai, shuu
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6 members Favoritefavorite
lazyweird1 THE DARK LADY Bulma stararnold Markus wolfe moonlit dream
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