Well, it seems I haven't posted a pic in a while, so I thought I would put this one up. This picture was inspired by my amazing friend, Niko-chan. My school had a Dodgeball game under a bunch of blacklights in the gym, and everyone was wearing a white shirt. After the Seniors won (of course. Seniors always win..) they started dancing, cuz we also had a DJ there. Niko, being a very brave freshmen, challenged the Seniors to a Dance Off. We never actually decided the winner, but Niko didnt break the rules or anything like the Seniors did, so I think she should have won. Niko was a better dancer anyways.
So this picture is of Niko with her White "Near Wig" (yes from Death Note), White T-shirt, and Neon Blue glowstick. Lily loves you Niko-chan! You are one of the best freshmen ever!