The Eighth Sin (Fan Art Portfolio) Omen -line art

Omen -line art
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Unlucky and Unforgiven collaboration!

This is Sam "Unforgiven" 's version of my space-filler, Cald. I like her version best.
Rixarianesque Cald- drawn and colored by Unlucky
Dolly in Fedora (Cald digital doll)- base by Wayuki's Place, clothing by Uncouth, background by Unlucky
Original Cald- drawn and colored by Unlucky (Caleb belongs to The Unsaid Works)
My space-filler gets more attention than characters.

She drew the picture out in pencil and I spent all week turning it into line art. It probably took 30-60 hours. I'm sure there is an easier way.

So, I added a thumb on the hand holding the sword. I subtracted all the flames, ground, shoot on his clothes, and strings on his guantlets. I'm re-adding those in the coloring. This was actually a really hard picture to turn into a line art. My copy is a reprint that was scanned from the original. And then I scanned my copy onto my laptop. And I don't have to tell you good people about scanners or what they do to a pencil drawing.

I did keep his eyes un-line artted on purpose. Cald has very...distinctive eyes so I couldn't really make them line art. Cald have a few consistances in his "character". His hair, his eyes, his grin, and that he always has some sort of lavender hue to his skin. With the exception of the digital doll. Believe me, we tried to get some in there but it wouldn't work.

Something that was pointed out in the creation of this picture, Cald has no belly-button. Sam drew it and said she excluded the belly-button because she understood that Cald was never born. She's right, Cald was never actually born because he is a space-filler. Even if he wasn't, he was still never "born".

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And to wrap it up.
original drawing- Sam "Unforgiven"
line art and Cald- me (Dean "Unlucky")
*honorable mention to all thirteen subscribers*
Music for Cald's line art process- AFI and Boston's Higher Power

Thanks for looking!

Personal Fan Art
bella, bella-dean, bishi, buy, cald, co, dean, fire, guy, pilot, regnavi, sam, unforgiven, unlucky
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The Echo Effect
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