Well, this is my first art submission!
Yosei's been hammering me about getting some stuff up, so here it is!
We hung out yesterday and he let me use his sketchbook and this is what I've done.
Just some dragon stuff. I'm out of practice, so I thought I'd see how I am now. I have a manga I'm working on with dragons in it and I kinda need to know how to draw them! ^_^"
The claw was referenced somewhat. The coloring is all mine though. I hope the scanner doesn't tarnish it! >.<
Please, comments and hugs are eternally appreciated! I'd like to know what you guys think! I wanna know if I'm really any good, or if Yosei and Angelo are just being my nicest friends. XD Although, they really are great guys anyways...
Well, thanks for looking!
Yosei and I use the same signature since a lot of our arts are partnership works. Enjoy!