Bunch of giftarts I did and posted to LJ a while ago because these people needed cheering up (so please, no stealing). Finished them in one day. There's a post with comments on them individually, but you'll need to be in my f-list to see that. Sketched in pencil, coloured in Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended.
1. RazelxKonoe from Lamento for Aphelion
2. Dino from KHR for sis
3. MurakixTsuzuki from Yami no Matsuei for Rachel
4. DantexVergil from Devil May Cry for Divine-Star
5. ShikixAkira from Togainu no Chi for Lumi
6. Sasakura Ryu from Bartender for Evonne
7. AkiraxMotomi from Togainu no Chi for Domino
8. Hiro-sanxNowaki from Junjou Romantica for Kazuha
9. YukihitoxRin for KimMcCloud
10. YamamotoxHibari from KHR for Ying Sean