momo love (Fan Art Portfolio) band con entry ^^'

band con entry ^^'

Well…. This is my ***LATE*** entry for Niko chan’s second contest =D which was basically, draw you and your friends as a band…

The band iza called ‘doggy doo an’ ppl poo
… seriously…. Don’t ask why =__=’


IT WAS CATCHY OKAY!!? *___________________*

Uh… I guess I better introduce the band then eh?^^’

Okay…. The dude with green hair is Collern (lead singer)…. Ish meh BF according to everyone else =O. now, Tom (Drums) is the one with orange hair…. It’s actually black now, but he looked too much my bro in the pic, so I kept it orange. Riiight…. The chick with zeh purple hair is Hayley (guitar) …. =.= yes… she smokes…. *ehem* anyways, I’m the one with black hair (keyboard) =D ……..I’d also like to mention, those ARE our actual hair colours… and everyday hairdo’s (exception of tom) ~.~’ were an odd bunch….

Bwaha! Groupies! We have groupies too! they are the ppl who I would have liked to draw, but couldn’t, seeing the band would look more like a choir with so many^^’

From left to right, we have Quyhn, who’s like VA VA VOOM! Then there’s Alisha, who’s permanently on a sugar high…. Next is Kacey, she’s like the ‘that chick over there’ person…. Who likes cats… a lot…. Eyzack is the blond haired dude… he looks 13 in real life but he’s actually about to finish year twelve! Becky is the emo looking one, and Hayley number two is to one I’ve so evilly placed in a red tie up top >=D BWAHAHAHAHA! Steph is second last looking really worried and freaked out, and finally…. Dylin…. Ah…. Dylin….. so antisocial…. U_U’

Oh, can I just mention…. Half these ppl don’t know each other^^’ I hang out with two separate social groups, the dudes and the chicks… sah…. Yeah… eh heh.

Rarw, yup! Heres the band! (an’ groupies! Don’t forget the groupies!) Hope ya likes it!

Other Anime and Manga Fan Art
band, contest, niko chan
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5 members Favoritefavorite
Pixestars xxem0crayonxx Niko Chan
Member Dedication
Niko Chan
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