Fire Fox Sakurie (Fan Art Portfolio) Only For You

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I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven

The lyrics are from my all time favorite song: Your Guardian Angel by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus.
(I've already got Sayura-chan addicted to it. lol )

A picture of Axel, Namine, and Roxas in school uniforms. ^^ I haven't seen very many canon characters in the Kingdom Hearts section lately, so I thought it'd be nice to add some. ^^ Not that I don't love to see the fan characters; the designs are so creative! <3

This was draw about 2 weeks ago actually, I just finally got the chance to color it on my day off this Thursday. -is very happy- lol

Thanks so much for the votes/comments/favs/subscriptions everyone! ^__^ You rock~!

Dedicated to Kissable-Krista for the inspiration to draw this. I was going through her portfolio and her KH artwork gave me the idea to draw this. ^__^ Thank you so much for everything Krista~! -hugs-

-- アリス

Lauuuuren.. I'm so sorry your b-day present's going to be late! DX

Kingdom Hearts Fan Art
axel, kingdom hearts, namine, roxas
92 votes thumb
68 members Favoritefavorite
AndrewMangaka021 allycat2090 WingzBroken roxas13keyblade anime gecko FireStone95 HelloKatty Blue Jaguar timbermoonkiss rikufangurl1 Chibi Grimmjow symphoniafanXX sakura dancer xXRiyuXx Solehah Bt Ismail Axelflame SojiRem mollyskellington The Cicadas Cry xXCyanideXKissXx poisonberi Rainbowdots kugen Raven2099 Moonlight-Sonata xxsadxkittyx Nara Kai AnimeEmoKitty 10SecondsToGo animegirly2 Spirt of water smartanimegirl Rainbow Dragon Dragon Anime NejixWrathLover Kami-chan.x3 Otomi Babii Poster Prince asianprincess842 Kissable-Krista Twilight Princess LovelyRisa sefaa3 Megumiiko sonnyparadisewish Naruto Mania KawaiiLolita7572
Member Dedication
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