Tsuki: Thank you for training me on your birthday Iruka Sensei! X3
Iruka Sensei: No problem! I see you're improving in accuracy. ^^
Tsuki: Heehee~! *smile* as a reward, can you treat me to some udon????? >:3
Iruka: What? It's MY birthday! Treat ME some udon for once!
Tsuki: NO WAYYYY! *steals wallet and dashes to Chikara XD*
*Chikara (ちから) is an awesome udon/ramen/pork cuttlet place. I went there every Thursday back in Japan in the summer, it's soooooooooooo good! TOROROKOMBU~! :D mwahahaha~!
Tsuki and Naruto-kun always argue whether ramen or udon is better. XD
So anywayz, Happy belated B-day Iruka!!!!!! I know it was in September edit: no 'twas 1st of October! XD (I was close @w@ sorry, I missed like over 5 b-days so I got em mixed up, gomenasai. ^^; I'm glad u liek it Iruka~ C: lolz, Tsuki is very mischieveous~ XD great job getting the wallet back! XD)
I wanted to draw you a pic of Axel, but I kept on messing up his hair and I was too lazy to find a reference, so I thought, why not make my naruto oc Tsuki thank Iruka Sensei for training her? XD I'm sorry if you don't like ittt.
Thank you for everything iruka! You're an awesome friend!!! X3 Wuv yoz!*hugglezz* X3
Tsuki © (me)
Done in PRANG markers, RoseArt colored pencils, Open Canvas 1.1 and PhotoStudio 5.5 for a slight blur effect. ^^
[edit 2012] LMAO STUDIO DEEN HANDS -as pointed out by my sis XD
We were browsing through my old art together for the lolz