HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAYURA-CHAN!!!!! *super glomp hugs you!*
Wow 15 already. :D
So A few hours eailier Summer had found Cloud and asked him to do something for her. xD And now we have Cloud jumping out of a huge box to surprise Riiya! xD I GAVE YOU CLOUD FOR YOUR B-DAY!!!!!! =D
I hope you like it, I messed up in alot of places, if you don't I will tottaly draw you another one in a heart beat!
I hope I got Cloud's hair right. It was a little easy, so maybe I'm just getting better at square enix hair. =D
Tonight the moon was refelecting perfectly off the lake in my back yard. And being the nature freak I am I can't stop looking at it. I tried to take a pic of it but it didn't come out right. But you still can see the full moon and the reflection of the lights in the houses across the lake. =D
So you see where the lights dubble? That is where the water is. I really wish you could see the moon shimmer in the water. =/
WELL, Happy birthday again Sayura! =D
hope you likie =D