fire.freak (Fan Art Portfolio) Cloud Strife[Sayura's BDay Gift~*~Part 1~*~]

Cloud Strife[Sayura's BDay Gift~*~Part 1~*~]
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*EDIT* 10/ 14/08

Is there one picture I haven't edited?? Lol. Anyways, I fixed the outline and I feel a bit more content now :] I'm still gonna redo it once I get the necessary art tools and stuff but I'm more content with the outline. I probably shouldn't have added the words but whuever XD =]
Yep, I've attempted to draw Cloud Strife~!! XD Just for Sayura-chan on her wonderful birthday~!^0^ This is the first time I've ever drawn Cloud^ ^; EVER. But now ever since I drew this picture, I'm able to draw him in Chibi form so I just HAVE TO say thank you, Sayura^w^ For your love of Cloud which made me draw Cloud for your sake of being such a wonderful friend~!^0^

The colors came out wrong and I forgot to darken the outline so that it could come out more clearer x-x I'm sooo-o sorry about that Sayura-chan! D: I promise you that once I get my new art supplies, you can bet on seeing this again but so much more improved[color-wise]. And as you see in the title ->[~*~Part 1~*~]; That's right, Sayu-chan! There's more parts to you birthday giftie~!^ ^ About 2 =]. I would tell you what they are but lemme surprise you instead. I love to see you surprised and happy^0^

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAYURA-CHAN~!♥ =D I loooove yooooooou~! =] And all of us Otakuites, Otakuites+, Otakuites++, Senior Otaku's and Otaku Legends[Icluding Mr. Bossman, Adam x3]love you~!^0^

Cloud Strife (c) SQUARE ENIX[But Riiya owns Cloud too ;D XD :) Lol sry, I had to do that for Sayura-chan x3]
Art (c) Me

Take care loves~! x3 And be sure to tell Sayura-chan Happy Birthday~!! :D A simple "Happy Birthday" is sweet^ ^

By the way, Cloud was kinda hardish to draw@w@ It took me 5 hours to draw this alone!!...Well, I did fall asleep twice though and then went to play the PS2 during those 5 hours XD. But anyways, the point in saying this is: I think I'll limit the use of drawing Cloud to only:
A) If Sayura-chan requests it
B) If I'm practicing to draw Cloud x3
THAT'S JUST ABOUT THE ONLY TWO REASONS :O There might be a way that I bend my little rule once or twice. Mainly if you ask for a plushie Cloud or a Chibi Cloud, cause those are much easier to do XDD

Final Fantasy VII Fan Art
aragorn1014, cloud, cloud strife, ffvii, final fantasy, final fantasy vii, giftie, happy birthday sayura, riiya, strife
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