I made that just for fun.
They aren't really a couple!
I just wanted to draw Daidais long red hair xD
The first time I did it [and I'm proud]
Ganesa (Fan Art Portfolio)
plz don't look at it, when you're against Boys Love [DiexKaoxTotchi]
![plz don't look at it, when you're against Boys Love [DiexKaoxTotchi]](http://www.theotaku.com/submissions/temporary/fanart/562055-20081015141816.jpg)
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- Created
- 10/15/08
- Category
- Dir en grey Fan Art
- Tags
- andou, daisuke, die, dir engrey, hara, j-rock, kaoru niikura, toshimasa, toshiya, yaoi
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- 22 votes
- Favorited
- 15 members
- Member Dedication
- Everyone
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