Raindrop23 (Fan Art Portfolio) Lie in Wait

Lie in Wait
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Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising that tempt you to believe your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs. Peace has its victories, but it takes brave men and women to win them.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Another SotC speedpaint with some new brushes. Textures from hibbary.

W. was a good movie.

The Sunlit Earth by Koh Ohtani.

PS: Buckethead kid res does not sing. But he does dance.

Edit: For commenters because I can't post more than 3 consecutive comments!

@ Master Hiko
Haha, thank you very very very so so much! :) Practice, practice, practice; a lot of people underestimate that saying, but it really helps.

@ The Eighth Sin
Shoot, man, I'd pass you my PS2 and the game through the computer if I could! I'll cross my fingers that you can get your hands on them.

Thanks so much for the comment!

@ animesick
Sadly, I haven't made it to the garden yet...:( I'm working on it, though! And from what I've heard, I think that ICO was the second game to this series...SotC was just a prequel.

Thank you very much!

@ page7
I'm not sure if he wrote that, but he wrote a lot of other books? Anyway, Lionel and Aasthen's story is moving at the speed of slugs. I'm too wrapped up working on a commission, school, driver's ED, and playing SotC too work on any of it. :)

@ mai rionette
I know, aren't sepias just the bomb? Thank you so much.

@ mewmewpudding

Aww, thank you so much! Still, it's really good to show that you put forth effort, even if it takes you forever and a day. :)

Shadow of the Colossus Fan Art
shadow of the colossus
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SolemnSerpent Bridgy twilight samurai SailorJuipiterFF7 ms random narutogurl05 Markus wolfe The Eighth Sin aminesick midnightqueen
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