smartanimegirl (Fan Art Portfolio) My Inner Self

My Inner Self

Uuuuuh.......... O__o
Does this picture creep any of you guys out?
It kinda did to me when I finished this.

So yeah, I was also experimenting with skintones. Her skin seems a little darker than how I normally do it.
I normally make it a little more paler because I am kinda PALE. O_O
Anyway, I suppose this came out alright.

So yeah....
The reason to this was because I was having a bad day this past week. It was Monday on the 20th.
Everyone around me...was just getting on my nerves...! >>
I swear to God. It was the most annoying day ever.
I've got enough classmates that drive me and the teachers crazy! ><"
And at home, WORSE! My dad really aggravates me these days and just gets under my skin! D<

So yeah, after that whole day Monday, I practically start drawing out my anger into this and practically drew this up.
I'm not so sure how. I think I just let loose of my imagination or something. @_@
I look down and I was rather pleased with this picture after I finished. So I immediately got to inking, while listening to some rather morbid-emo song might I add.
And yeah, I scanned it up and I just started the eyes, the hair, the skin, the rose. After I was finished with the skin, I set out my SPLATTER BRUSH! >D
I've always liked these brushes, gives me a much more better effect for blood. >>"
So yeah, after that, it was onto the BACKGROUND! And I have to admit, I like how the background turned out. It was pretty good.

So yeah, funny how after I finished, I was totally relaxed... O_o
I thought it was funny, I practically laughed to myself afterwards. Though I think I may have gone deaf because I wasn't so sure whether it was a happy laugh or an evil maniac laugh... O_O
Either way, that day gave me the inspiration to draw this and I have to say, my fav so far now.

So yeah, because of all this, my "inner self" came to be.
She's more morbid than I am, hence the blood.
I'm not so sure if it would exactly mean she would be one to KILL people....
I sure hope not. O_<
Then again, she would often break through and get me in the mood to...

Also, since Halloween's coming up, consider this also a little Halloween picture. ;O

*looks back at picture* I think I'll draw her again at some time.
Who knows...?

Evil Nade (c) smartanimegirl (ME!)

Personal Fan Art
blood, creepy, inner, morbid, nade, rose, scary, self
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KyoriKaze10 shanina AnimeRaider13 shizuka101 stararnold midnightqueen Blood Moon Wolf
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