Sakura Kokoro (Fan Art Portfolio) B-believe it~

B-believe it~
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Naruto sat by Hani's bed, clenching his fists together. Yesterday, Naruto was training and she happened to have watched him all day under the hot sun. Hani collapsed.

Naruto: ...It's all my fault...(looks away)

Hani: (wakes up and sits up)...?

Naruto doesn't notice.

Hani sees how Naruto looks so upset, she notices that a tray of Hinata's cooking next to her bed, all shaped like Naruto's face. In attempt to make him feel better, she grabs one and turns to Naruto.

Hani: ...N-naruto-kun.

Naruto: (turns to face her)...huh?

: (smiles and imitates his voice in her shy voice)...B-believe it~

Naruto couldn't help, but smile. He leaned in and hugged her.


That's how, er, I picture this scene. Hani looks like the shy type and to me seems like she only smiles at the rarest times, and when she does smile, it makes the whole room light up~

Rishi-chan, you make the cutest characters ever~~ **glomp** Happy B-day~~

Hani belongs to Rishi~~ Not me~~ (^ w ^)

♥ Hope you like ♥

((I won't be on for awhile, everyone~ I feel really sick, so until I feel better I'll come back and submit more art that I've promised~ Thanks for understanding~~ ♥))

Naruto Fan Art
cute, flowers, hani, koinu kyan, naruto, oc, onigiri, sk
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43 members Favoritefavorite
momochan2020 x skullcandy x stupidturtle365 khismylife shizuka101 ponyochan TheJediToaster mawata1995 cheriblosomchibi LystikinenaXP Heysteve jennyelric blackwidowdragon Kami-chan.x3 drawing4life sefaa3 Desbreko KoInu kyan asianprincess842 Kazusa harvestmoonluvr Jigoku Sakura XxAznSkillZXx blueangel110 nekokid Tohrushino narutoluver1 Blood Moon Wolf Lihime Kittenlark Hiro Masaki Kawaii Fuu animelover7310 Mercury Dragon
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KoInu kyan
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