This one is unbelieveable. (BELIEVE IT~.)
Rishi used a referance from Squee-Neji's old old oooold skechbook (WHICH WILL BUUUURN) that Squee-Neji drew. Rishi used teh poses, and made it NaruRishi. It was originally NejiHina from Squeechan's NejiHina phase (WHICH WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAAAAIN...hopefully XD) Rishi added Yuuki (Squee-Neji's OC, on the top right), Hani (top middle, she looks adorable~) and Ijou (Neji's big half sister, on the top left)
Rishi screwed up on Hiashi's eyes. THEY'RE UNEVEEEEENNN
Yeah, comments much appriciated.