Spooky416 (Fan Art Portfolio) Palm Doodles by Moni and Zit

Palm Doodles by Moni and Zit
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xDDD These are some of my friends' doodles. Monica and Zitlaly made them when we were at some boring class xDDD

Well, I'm not sure you understand Monica's hadwritting xDD so I'll translate.
#1: I'm always watching you. by: Moniza (contraction between Monica and Izamara, which are her two names)
#2: I have fat legs
#3: Gera es un gran LEFIO [Trans: Gera is such a big DUMMY]
#4: Such a magical sound
#5: Is a hippie hobo (hobo=homeless)
#6: Pano's tiny-ugly head (xDD Pano is our Social Science teacher, and she looked like this when she showed us something on her laptop)
#7: No, no estoy traumada con los ojos [Trans: No, I'm not obsessed with eyes]
#8: Kiss
#9 and 10 by Zitlaly


xDDD Aqui estan algunos de los garabatos de mis amigas. Monica y Zitlaly los hicieron en alguna clase aburrida xDDD

Bien, no estoy muy segura que entiendan la letra de Monica xDD Asi que traducire:
#1: I'm always watchin you. by Moniza [Trad: Siempre te estoy observando. Por Moniza (contraccion entre Monica e Izamanra, sus dos nombres)]
#2: I have fat legs [Trad: Tengo piernas gordas]
#3: Gera es un gran LEFIO (lefio=tonto)
#4: Such a magical sound [Trad: Un sonido tan magico]
#5: Is a hippie hobo [Trad: Es un vagabundo hippie]
#6: Pano's tiny-ugly head [Trad: La cabeza pequeña y fea de Pano] (xD Pano es nuestra maestra de Ciencias Sociales, y se veia asi cuando nos mostro algo en su laptop)
#7: No, no estoy traumada con los ojos.
#8: Kiss [Trad: Beso]
#9 y 10 por Zitlaly

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
ai, amanita, amanita muscaria, amor, doodles, electronic, fat legs, guitar, head, hippie, hippie hobo, hobo, iza, izamara, lol, love, moni, monica, muscaria, palm, pano, random, spooky416, tenshi, tiny, ugly, weird, xd, yami, yami no tenshi, zit, zitlaly
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