( Originally drawn on the 21st February 2008. )
A few weeks before I drew this I had that stupid steroid injection that buggered up my wrist even more than it already was and was very frustrated. I wasn't able to draw at all and it was torture. Well, tthe day I drew this was one of those moments. I just thought: "Oh sod this! I don't care how friggin' painful it is, I can't take it anymore!" and drew this. Its sort of like an IG version of this pic of Penelope Pitstop I did a while ago: http://axelalloy.deviantart.com/art/Care-for-a-Pitstop-57450461 The only differences being that it's Penny, Gadget's niece when she is 30, I decided to keep Penny's fringe more Penny-like and I added a pink streak and a red hair clip.
Pain level for pic (1 to 5): 5/5