icefoxchan (Fan Art Portfolio) The Mary-Sue and Non-Mary-Sue

The Mary-Sue and Non-Mary-Sue
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Ok, this is just something random I felt like doing...honestly,if there's one thing I hate in fandoms besides people making characters OOC(except in cartoons sometimes, then it's kinda funny) is Mary-Sues/Gary-Stus!

For those who don't know what they are, they are compltely perfect ocs who are loved by many other characters,good at EVERYTHING,and of course, have NO flaws and are basically boring...and just to the people who think Aranane,Arianna,Axami, or Emi or Melody are mary-sues,they are NOT...seriously,they have flaws and not every single character likes them...Aranane has anger issues and is hated by Sasuke(and Mansex XD),

Arianna used to be really shy, but sometimes becomes a 'little' more violent to the people she hates(if she was a mary-sue she would've won TDI,but she didn't),Axami is a loud mouth.alot.and she's hated by Sora,Larxene, and Marluxia,and Emi is mischevious sometimes and almost on a regular basis,is being chased by Rin...and Melody does become as much of a dummy as Cosmo(I don't hate Cosmo,he's hilarious,it's hard not to like him :3) and does get beaten around...

Er....anyway, this is some random mary-sue,who will be used as an example of a basic mary-sue nobody...a perfect flawless oc with a bunch of unnatural hair colors(I know Axami's hair color is unnatural, but as long as your character's hair color isn't some rainbow-color-thingy with 5,6 or 7 colors,it's ok),loved by many people,and can't fade into darkness/ example of a mary-sue...

And the reason why it looks like there's a bunch of pink,glittery paint with dark red...Mary-sues bleed pink paint with glitter,but for some reason,heartless mary-sues bleed dark red with some glitter...and yes, Axami killed some Mary-sues...non mary-sues can kill mary-sues,as long as the oc isn't 100% weak and useless...and Axami can do that! Axami:Will you help us get rid of Mary-Sues?

Also,I don't need any complaints or flames such as, "But I can't think of a flaw!" or "STFU! Mary-Sue FTW! >:D" ok? It's not that hard thinking of at least one or two flaws...ALSO,$1,000,000 and a big plate of cupcakes to the first person to get rid of the Mary-Sue in this pic!

P.S.Sorry for any sucky explanations in here...

Crossover Anime and Manga Fan Art
axami, blood, mary-sue, oc
4 votes thumb
1 member Favoritefavorite
Markus wolfe
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