Okies, guys! Here's the Title Page WIP for the manga Angelo and I are doing, "Kouchou" or "Headmaster"
As you can see, it's unfinished. But, the manga is being inked right now, so look for it in the next few days or so!
Original Concept: Angelo (Fai no Tenshi)
Art: Yosei (TheDarkAngel)
Angelo is writing the story, so it should be pretty good! I'm doing the art HOWEVER!!! Angelo will be doing some pages- he's been studying my style, so read it and see if YOU can spot which pages are his and which are mine! (>_0)
Characters from Left to Right: Tiffany, Angelo, Yosei
HAH! Woot! I finally get to see my manga up (Almost >_<) I hope you all tune in and read it just to give it a chance. It's my first solo story. Yosei's not helping me at all on it, other than the art. So, please, critique it when it's up and when you get the chance! ^o^ 'Til then, sayonara!