lunesoldier20 (Fan Art Portfolio) Hoshi's Revenge: Every Bird Has Its Day

Hoshi's Revenge: Every Bird Has Its Day

I LOVE HOW THIS LOOKS (even it is drawn badly)! Shinji gets owned by a Pokemon (again!!) that is his (not really it's actually my OC Hotaru's Staraptor named Hoshi). I drew this on MS Paint and colored it. *applauds* I hate how Paul treats his Pokemon so this came to mind. Why doesn't a Pokemon that belongs to him get revenge and own him? Hoshi was the name of my Staraptor on Pearl before I started over.

One day, Shinji comes across a trainer named Hotaru. Hotaru and Shinji battle and fights Staraptor vs Staraptor. Shinji's Staraptor loses and is about to release it but is stopped by Hotaru. She says, "Your Staraptor has potential so why don't we trade, Staraptor for Staraptor?" Shinji agrees to this and so they trade.

Sometime later, Shinji battles Satoshi and his Chimchar loses so he releases Chimchar. Seeing this, Hoshi (Hotaru's Staraptor) swears revenge. The next time Hoshi is out of its Pokeball, he starts to chase Shinji around. Shinji throws curses as he runs. He eventually runs past Satoshi, Hikari, and Takeshi who had just met Hotaru. Seeing this they can't help but burst into laughter. Hotaru laughs the hardest. She then says, "Every bird has its day!"

The next day, Shinji goes to find Hotaru and finally finds her. "I want my Staraptor back!" Shinji demands. "Your's is just plain onery! It started chasing me around for no reason!" Hotaru laughs and says, "Hoshi-kun would never do that! He must've wanted revenge because you hurt a friend of his." Shinji is completely oblivious to what he did and forgets about it. They trade back their Pokemon.

The next day, curses could be heard as a purple haired boy was seen running away from a peeved Staraptor bent on revenge.

Pokemon Fan Art
bird, funny, hoshi, hotaru, owned!, paul, pokemon, pwned, revenge, shinji, staraptor
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