This is a concept art of two characters I plan to create into my future levels in Little Big Planet, the PS3 exclusive...
I plan to make my Little Big Planet levels from my and others creations so it can be a true community level.
But what I need from you, if you wish to join in, is a enemy...or any obstacle idea.
All you have to do is make a drawing of your idea and a explanation of what the character does to aid or harm the sackboy...
The only thing that can kill your sackboy in the game is...
-being squished
-being burned
-being electrocuted
-being killed by toxic smog
-and being killed by sharp objects
It can be a fast sketch or whatever since the design of the idea has to be simple enough to make...
These two characters are of my own idea...
I'll link a bad quality video of them later so you can see how the idea might look after its adjusted to the gameplay.
Just a few rules of course though if you would like your idea to be in the MEUN Planet levels....
1. It has to be non-offensive.
2. It HAS to be original to your own imagination...and preferably not a character that you are already using in a on-going comic or story of yours...try to make it fresh...
3. If it is used in the level, it WILL be adjusted to make sure it fits in try not to make something that you dont want to change around at all. Of course, I am gonna try to make your ideas just the way you described them if possible.
I also plan to buy myself a PSeye hopefully within the next month or so. If I do, I will try to include the original concept art of your idea within the levels somewhere.
If you have any questions , then please do ask.
I hope I can get alot or few to make this level very mixed...