Kinano (Fan Art Portfolio) Skelacat

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So its light and hard 2 see but so s she...hey, that rhymed! YAYZ 4 rhymyness!!!
So shes a charie from my book/story thing. She is Devin's guardian cat(Skelacat). Jackie has a guardian bunny(bunny-chan), chad a fox(jamez), and Jasper a bat(Zanac). They have foggy bodies thru hich you can see their silver bones and red hearts. Each has a different colour coming from their eyes, Skelacat has lavender.

“Hey! Open this door! Open it now! I’m warning you!” Devin screamed through the wood; she heard snickers on the other side. “For the last time…” Nothing happened and she backed up, bounced on her heels a few times before kicking open the door. The lock broke and it hurled itself open, smacking a few of the guys on the way. Devin pushed most of her short, blond-brown hair away from her blue eyes, picked up her folders and stepped over their groaning figures as though nothing happened; despite the many stares.
“That was impressive, you’ve been practicing.”
“Yeah, not really practicing though, more like…adding more techniques to my arsenal.”
“You’ll surely get in trouble though.”
“Yeah well, didn’t see you doing anything,” she stopped in front of her locker, ignoring the stares of her seemingly talking to herself.
The white cat blinked, or what looked like blinking. She still marveled at the silvery bones that could be seen through the fog-like body. The only bright colors being the red heart and lavender coming from the eye sockets. “It’s interesting to see the way you think and act, it’s so much more amusing than the other humans, you’re much less predictable.”

Personal Fan Art
bunny-chan, chad, devin, jackie, jamez, jasper, loren, skelacat, zanac
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Blood Moon Wolf
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