This is Cairo, my manself! (Geddit? Geddit??) Done for GoDancetheSound's contest.
I didn't plan on him being such a manwhore. D: It just kind of... happened. XD;
About the only thing I did plan on was the lollipop, but I couldn't figure out how to draw it without him looking retarded, so I drew him holding it in front of his mouth instead. Then I thought it'd be cool if he were sticking out his tongue, so I drew that. THEN I realized it looked like he was leaning on something, with the way his head and arm was positioned, so I drew him leaning on the wall. ...Then I realized it looked like he was in a pin-up type of pose, so I just went with it and gave him the whole half-on shirt thing XDD;
I do actually have that outfit. Also, my eyes AREN'T green. >>; But my mom's are. I figure ONE of us had to inherit them. o_o;
It's not the best color job I've done, but I am pretty proud of the pants and the shadow. AND THE HANDS ARE LIKE THE BEST HANDS I'VE EVER EVER DRAWN! *__*
I'm totally going to use him for a random kid at Zeikery's school. XD; Strangest context of a self-insertion, huh?
By the way, he's totally gay. 'Cause that's how I roll. 8DD;
Cairo and art (C) Kyrianne Stryker