HeirOfGlee (Fan Art Portfolio) Summoning friends

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(((copied from my deviant art))

Im really really disappointed of this art piece
I do not like it at all. But it is not 1 yr anniversary on this new account
and i promised myself i will get a pict up for it
108 a layers and a week on and off. I still dont feel right about this pict. I dont know what to fix , and dont know what else i can do. Anyways about the characters

Leluh is with her friend lilith , the bearer of disease
When you look into her skull , its aura stains what ever disease she thinks of into you then she get 1/3 aura in-beaded in her. She learns more how to suppress it. Noticed one hole in her belt
she never gains weigh cause she is always sick with something

Leluh damned her not to do so so freely to anyone who get on her nerves for any reason whatsoever that is not life threatening. She usually goes around giving out her sick to anyone who yells at her or give her a bad look. And Leluh forbids it. But Lilith is used to being sick
so she hardly shows any symptoms. The only way for Leluh to know is if she looks as if she did something wrong or a mole that shapes like a bio hazard sign appears between her inner thigh. She tries to covered it with make up one time

So imaging the events that happens between them in public
they start to argue , then Luluh lifts up her dress or pulls down her pants and try to bear open her legs
to look at her inner thighs while Lilith screams "no" and "stop" "im sorry" XD

Her punishment , is children medicine
It makes her feel the pain of what she have given , and makes her tame and a bit drowsy . Cherri flavored is the worst

she have the flavor orange for burning eyes
grape for swollen tongue
and Cherri for diarrhea

she cant run away from the medicine
cause Leluh prepares her food XD

thank you belialchan for the tut
and tanks to photoshopsupprt for the border
also LeggyLooLoo for her hand painted background :)
uses =  , photoshop , tablet

Personal Fan Art
anime, aura, bald, blue, cast, church, glow, gothic, green, heirofglee, lelu, lilith, liluh, lolita, magic, manga, photoshop, sick, skull, sweet
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