Raindrop23 (Fan Art Portfolio) HBL - Lydia

HBL - Lydia

Where ignorance is bliss
'Tis folly to be wise
- Thomas Gray


My character from my series (which I would love to make into a book), Hushabyeland.

The story is set way in a post-apocalyptic future, wherein the Earth is stuck in an eternal winter and society has separated into four quarters: The Dreamers of the east (humans), the Starmakers of the north (humans with powers to make dreams come true), the Dreamsnatchers of the west (demons/nightmares), and the Dreamcatchers of the south (sheep-people). The populations of each are in trouble; humans become hopeless and fall into depression, all but one Starmaker has disappeared, the demons are multiplying, and the sheep-people have reduced to terrifyingly small amounts.

Four children from each of these quarters come together with a common goal: to find the mythical utopia of Hushabyeland. However, there are many obstacles that they must overcome, ranging from the brutal environment to Dreamsnatchers to themselves.

Lydia (the human) is the second youngest of the group. She is very sporatic and loud, seeing as how she has a severe ADHD. She also suffers from a speech impediment, where she doesn't pronounce her Rs. I.E. She calls Topper "Toppah" and Mr Butterfly "Mistah Buttahfly". Lydia is rather useless, but ultimately she is a good companion, because she cares about the well-being of her friends, and wants them all to travel with smiles on their faces. She was the one who gathered the group together in the first place, by being a welcoming person with a warm heart. Barnes is easily annoyed by Lydia, but Topper and Aliyah love her like a spaztic little puppy. She is the stereotypical dumb blonde.

Mr. Butterfly is the mascot of the group, and can usually be found on or around Lydia's head. He is a very special creature, because most animals died out or disappeared after society crumbled. He can be just as spaztic as Lydia, but most of the time follows the group around without interruption.

Coming up: Topper and Barnes.

Photoshop CS2
Fee Da Da Dee by the Guggenheim Grotto.

PS: Buckethead kid-res wants rocket-powered shoes for Christmas!

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