Yamis Pharaohess (Fan Art Portfolio) A Persistent Christmas

A Persistent Christmas
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Joey: “Hey Mai, Merry Christmas!”
Mai: Merry Christmas, Joey. *notices the mistletoe above Joey’s head*
Joey: *tries not to laugh* (thinks) She noticed the mistletoe...
Mai: *sighs* You’re a persistent one, Joey....
(‘Cause you KNOW he would do something like this. *giggles*)

I know it’s late, but I DON’T CARE!!!! XD

MERRY CHIRSTMAS EVERYONE!!!!!! Hope you (had) a great holiday and hope you have a great new year! <(^_^<) <(^_^)> (>^_^)>

I finally got my butt in gear and drew something!!!! *faints* hard to believe, I know. >.> I decided on this on the 23rd, drew it that night, (most of it) struggled with how Joey should look for a day, Scanned it late in the night on Christmas day, and colored it all in one night. That’s probably a new record for me. Of course, the picture isn’t the greatest, but at least as it’s not stick figures, I’m alright! heehee....right?

OMG, I didn’t draw something in Yami in it! (lmao) I thought about it, but didn’t feel lie it. so of course, I chose to draw two people who I haven’t draw before without a reference. (Great idea Kibou... smart move... *sarcasm*) lol
Yes, I know Joey has a small hand, I messed with it forever and it never seemed to get any bigger. XD Deal with it, lol. I do love how Mai’s dress came out. Yay!

Happy Holidays, everyone! Ho ho ho!

Enjoy! <3!

Picture © Kibou (YamisPharaohess)
Joey & Mai © Kazuki Takahashi

Yu-Gi-Oh Fan Art
christmas, december, holiday, joey, jou, jounouchi, kibou, kujaku, mai, mistletoe, valentine, winter, yu-gi-oh!, yugioh
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3 members Favoritefavorite
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