I felt like doing a movie poster with naruto characters.
Like my chuck and larry one.
Now I do like shikatema and shikaino.
However with tis poster.
It would make sense if temari was the best friend to the groom because in the movie they were best friend when they were young and then main woman ((temari)) leaves and doesnt come back for a while.
When she does she falls in love with shikamaru but funds out his getting married.
Also the groom bride is a full on girly girl. Reminded me of ino.
and the groom best friend is more tom boyish.
remind me of temari.
So it makes sense with those 3.
Temari the best friend
shikamaru the groom
ino the bride.
Oh if you wondering why sasuke there.
In the movie the main star ((temari)) has a friend who is gay XD
which i made him sasuke hahaha.