Original character. Copyrighted. (Meaning no stealing please. And thank you.)
Ichigo is a 17-year-old human who wanders various dimensions as she pleases. How, do you ask? Well it has absolutely nothing to do with a dimension-hopping zipper.....*cough*.... Actually, Ichigo is a guise for the half wolf demon, Naku. Naku is a princess (though she's not proud of it) from a medieval land. She decided to leave one day, beginning her own adventure across many dimensions with the help of her demon powers. To 'fit in' with her surroundings, Naku took on the form of the human Ichigo. The markings on Ichigo's face are the seals locking away Naku's demon powers to prevent an outburst, which could destroy Ichigo's body.
Ummm....I suppose I should get a picture of Naku up soon....