whtdragon (Fan Art Portfolio) Deserters (top secret project)

Deserters (top secret project)
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Well as promised I'm showing off some of the stuff from that Top secret project thing.

This was the more "accepted" desert people's outfits. Part of the thing for the top secret project from Acclaim was that when making outfits, they wanted a light, medium, and heavy version.
The only gripe with this set was from the heavy female, where someone complained about the heavy female not having a helmet like the male-- PFFFT to that good sir!
I dunno about you, but I personally don't like helmets, as it obstructs the hair, which if you ask me, makes the character stand out more, and makes them unique, unlike the heavy male there who looks like he'd suffer from red shirt* complex to me. covered up, hidden faced, no one would care about him as much.

*red shirt- term coined from Star Trek series where any low-ranking unimportant character (often wearing a red shirt) that only showed up one time in the entire show would most likely be killed by the end of that episode. Basically meaning, they where expendable to the writers

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