GAHHHHHHHH!I screw it up *kicks conputer*CURSE YOU U DAM THING!!!!
*cough cough*well Kouichi-sama I'm sorry I screwed this up *glares at her Lap top*sorry but My lap top was being a butt hole and I was in a hurry cuz' I had to go to bed soon so if I got one of the pack wrong I'm sooooooo sorry but i tried my best at it anyways I hope u can tell the difference and who is who I kinda screwed it up big time and plus its not in color shocker their I usally try to color them....well anyways Excuse me while I go kill my Lap top!!!!
Me:*murders my lap top and bashes it with a bat*
Pie:*standing there shocked*SHE KILLED HER LAP TOP YORU!!!!!!!!!!!
me&Pie:BYE BYE!!!
LoveKouichi-sama u will be getting a make up for this screw up =-=' I'm sooooo sorry!