fire.freak (Fan Art Portfolio) Michka Kimura - R.E.V.O.L.V.E.R. Contest Entry

Michka Kimura - R.E.V.O.L.V.E.R. Contest Entry
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Here's my very late contest entry for Namihazure Sama's contest that I don't think will even be accepted at this point. But it was fun to think about and draw~!^w^ It was like drawing myself~ :D[I actually did drawing myself lol. I'm completely unique, so what's more original than myself?^-^] An enjoyable contest~!! =]

Character Name: Michka

Full Name: Michka Marissa Amarante Kimura

D.O.B: July 1, 2075 (14, Cancer)

Place of Birth/Hometown: Miami, Florida, USA

Nationality: American, Jamaican, Puerto Rican, Coasta Rican, Cuban, Irish, Italian, Japanese and French

Language(s) Spoken: Fluent English, Spanish, Italian, French, Japanese and Russian

Alliance or Regime?: Alliance

Position: Cadet

Abilities/Talents: Michka is a sharp shooter. She's pretty handy with a gun. She's best with Pistols and Assault Rifles. Michka is also a pyromaniac. She hasn't mastered how to use her power to manipulate fire so she doesn't have complete control whenever she tests out her pyro skills and, on worse terms, when her anger sky rockets. Which, thankfully, isn't often. Her enhanced hearing and sense of smell is another ability she recently obtained. Lastly, she is bilingual. She didn't study all those languages she is fluent in[the exception of English and Spanish]. They were transmitted into her brain as a successful experiment with her being the test subject.

Strengths: Michka is a noble, determined, optimistic, hard striking girl. She usually follows her heart and trusts that it won't lead her astray. In the sunlight, her fire power flares more than usual. Meaning, her fire power is at 150% in the full, bright sunlight. Another strength is her canine abilities that she has recently obtained. Her enhanced hearing and sense of smell. Not to mention her running speed is progressively becoming faster and faster.

Weakness: She is witty, hyper and sometimes immature! She can't swim and when underwater, her body gets the most painful strikes possible! Not to mention her fire power is cut into more than half. It will be between nothing and 25% power. Not very good at a time of battle. Not good at all.

Temperament(Personality): She is a very loud and outgoing girl. When you first meet her, she wont fully open up her wild side to you but as time goes along and you get to know her, watch out for the fireworks! She's a riot! She is optimistic and very enthusiastic. Absolutely nothing could bring her down...well, maybe except for the death of a loved one. Nonetheless, she is rather driven and very kind to her friends. Not to mention extremely loyal. She would do just about anything for them and even risk her own life to save theirs. She is like the bright color orange and the sun shiny yellow. She's a bit of a pyromaniac. She likes to see fire. The crackling of fire. It's sound, smell, feel. It's warmth.

Background: Michka comes from a family she has never really known but her siblings. She has a twin brother and an older brother that she's known all her life. Her mother and twin sister[yes, she's a triplet]died in a sinking ferry they were taking. Her father disappeared when she was 6 years old causing her to see life on its more dangerous side. Having to live many nights, scared, with her twin brother and older brother protecting her as best they could while trying to keep their own courage up. The first time she found out that she was a fire user was when she was 3 years old and burned half of a forest down. Her father and brothers had to keep her ability in secrecy. Growing up has been a tad bit easy going for her. A great twin brother watching her back always, great friends and people that love her all around. At the age of 8, she was an experiment that was tested on. Scientists wanted to see if they could transmit languages into her brain, giving her the knowledge to speak 6 different languages fluently as if there was a translator etched in her brain.

Michka Kimura + Art (c) Me[fire.freak]
R.E.V.O.L.V.E.R. (c) Jayleen[Namihazure Sama]

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
contest, fire.freak, kurisu, michka, michka kurisu, namihazure-sama, r.e.v.o.l.v.e.r.
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5 members Favoritefavorite
Tohrushino moonlit dream Blood Moon Wolf shizuka101
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Namihazure Sama
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