I clicked Grayscale on the scan thingy and out came this. It doesn't look bad, I suppose^ ^ Does it look better than the colored version that I'm about to put up? You decide! XP
The lovely ladies are still lovely~!^w^
I've gotten over how I feel about the legs and head^ ^ I figured "You guys still like it, neh?" And "Not everything comes out perfectly or exactly like how you imagined it, no?" So I feel a lot better =] Whoo~!<33
Arai: "I've always wondered about what it would be like to have an older sister in my life. Now, Okihi...she's...The older sister I've always wanted"
Huzzah for quotes and what not~ X3
Okihi Uchiha (c) MagicRinger
Arai Takameshi + Art (c) fire.freak[Me]