I'm so sorry it's late Kazz-chan! >.<; I hope u like it tho. ^u^;
and happy belated Chinese New Year everyone!
I apologize to everyone I have art trades, gaia requests and other art stuff with and haven't kept up with updates. >_<; (including hundreds of b-day presents I still have to finish ;A;) Time flies too fast on the weekends.
TmT I'm pretty tired lately, I haven't had much sleep in a couple of months. @u@; lol
I wasn't on much today since I was doing lotsa chores and spent time with my family watching movies together which we haven't done in a while. I still have homework actually. XD So I have to go finish 'em up, it's getting late already. -_-; I'll try posting a kaimiku gratitude art after this.
May © Kazusa
-I used MS Paint (which I haven't used in a while as the main medium XD woot) and PhotoStudio 5.5 for effects.