When ever I draw Anguish, this is always how I draw him |D No background, and his name somewhere on the pic |D He's sposed to be the negative emotions of Black Tail (meh fursona) but I never feel bad enough that I need to use him for it. (which is a good thing XD) Hes kinda more the angry portion of it, if I get really angry, you might see him. I think this was inspired by a late desicion of my school. They're aiming to fire 15 teachers from the elementary, middle school, and high school put together. Its really sad, its a huge deal and I'm appalled at it D< Scanner killed the the shading |D
I'ma stop yapping now XD Oh and colored pencils ftw <3
See it in better quality here:: http://blacktailwolf.deviantart.com/art/Anguish-B-114583869
Anguish is mine 8D