This pic is of, of cousre. Fai From Tsubasa chronicle, which belongs to clamp..n stuff. X3 Anyway,picture draw for greenLeAf863's B-day ^_^ So Happy BIRTHDAY GREEN! XDD lolz, and Fai is supposed to be holding a peice of Flourite stone. Which is his namesake, incase you didn't figure that out by now. LOLz XD
Plain Old Pen
Plain white paper
Color Pencils
Marker Pens
And that photo fixer thing from photobucket. There was no actually changes made to the picture. It was all because there was this stupid face image in the background (it just wouldn't erase) so I just cleaned that up. But Fai himself is not been touched bye computer imaging. ^_^ So ya. Sorry I don't mean to kill you with details...But that enough of that..
Listened to:I forgot.
Time: I'm gonna say half and hour. But it only took three mins to ink! o.o go figure..
Frog-out! XD