Wakusei Aoshi (Fan Art Portfolio) Best Friends - WIP

Best Friends - WIP
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Okay! It's not done...why would I save anything on paint without finishing!? Well, it's because....wait! I have to tell you a story first! ^ ^;

Okay, well I've been wanting my best friend to come over for a while and I keep deciding on different things to do like dance, play video games, sing, play DDR, voice act....but I can't do it all in one day or she'll stay with me for like 10 hours! And nobody really wants that to happen! ^ ^; Anyways, if we DO dance, sing, and voice act and I record it I want to put it on Youtube and this would be our little starting picture thing. You know how they have groups on there? Well, we could be a little duo or something. The only problem is I don't have a name for us. It can't be Chibi and Pinky, that just sounds weird.

I drew me! AGAIN! It's fun drawing me because my hair cuts always turn out perfect for drawing. My hair right now looks like a mixture of Momoko's from Buono! and floppy dog ears...hehe...-.-; And my best friend's hair is BEAUTIFUL!!! It's long and orange and since it's sooo long the tips have turned blonde. I'm on the...left? I'm closing the wrong eye, though. I can close my right eye, not my left eye....well, I can but it leaves this dent in my nose, and I have no clue why. I would never wear what I'm wearing in this picture. I just LOVE that hat though...I mean, drawing it. I'm petite and she's....normal. Oh! She's strong so I gave her slight muscles and she's also tall. She reminds me of Donna Pinciotti from That '70s Show! ^ ^

Personal Fan Art
act, chibi, cute, dance, dub, ish, me, pinky, sing, voice
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