Eneko (Fan Art Portfolio) Chiizu and Kabocha Bio Update

Chiizu and Kabocha Bio Update
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So I've finally updated Chii's and Kabo's bios! Check it out!


Name: Chiizu Orenjikanagata
Translation: Cheese Orange-mold (orenji=orange, mold=kanagata)
Age: 13
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 87 lbs.
Eye Color: hazel
Hair Color: blond
Birthday: January 14
Personal: She and Kabocha-chan have been friends ever since Chiizu was in first grade. Chiizu can't draw anime worth squat, and even desperate attempts by Kabocha to teach her to draw turn into epic fails. Chiizu likes to doodle, though, and she's pretty good at drawing artsy letters and such.
Chiizu's a total spaz, and probably ADD (I haven't gotten her tested yet). She's really noisy and laughs a lot, and loves to watch comedy shows. She is a bit absent-minded. She's nosy and sticks her nose into people's business. More often than not, she has a hair-brained idea and drags Kabocha into them as well. Chiizu just says whatever's on her mind. She can't cook or clean. It's really hard to annoy her. She's easily distracted and very passionate. She loves to chat and make new friends. Some of her 'friends' are scared off by her hyperenergetic personality, though. Like Nasu-kun.
Skills: doodling, piccolo, getting into trouble
Fails: drawing, cooking, cleaning, staying focused
Likes: doodling, comedy shows, chatting, making new friends
Hobbies: Chiizu's in the photography club at her middle school. She always looks for pretty scenes to photograph. Most of the time, though, she gets distracted and takes a picture of a cute dog or a hot guy walking past instead. Usually her pictures don't come out right, because she forgot to take off the lens cap or her finger is in the way. (which inspired the idea for this picture)
Love Interest: none


Name: Mew Chiizu
Colors: orange w/ yellow
Eye Color: gold
Hair Color: yellow
Mark Location: inside right wrist
Animal DNA: ocelot
Weapon: Chiizu Piccoro
Attack(s): Ribbon~ Chiizu Scale!
She plays one of the 12 major scales on her pic. As she ascends the scale, her enemy is lifted up into the air by the notes. When she descends the scale, her enemy is thrown down to the ground. How high and how forceful it is depends on how many octaves she plays. Piccolos can go up to four octaves.
The bad thing about her attack is it can only affect one enemy at a time.

Name: Kabocha Chairoshushi
Translation: Pumpkin brown-seed (chairo=brown, shushi=seed)
Age: 16
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 103 lbs.
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown
Birthday: October 22
Personal: Being friends with Chiizu since Kabocha was in 3rd grade, Kabocha likes to draw anime and is trying to teach Chiizu. Kabocha loves to read mangas and she reads very fast. She likes to read fiction and fantasy too, and she has lots of fragments of stories she wrote. She usually gives up or has a writer's block after the first 3 pages. She's a phail of an author. She dreams of one day making a manga, but with her experience she knows she'll never finish.
Kabocha is a free spirit, always starting things but never finishing them. She likes when things change, so she openly accepts being a Mew Mew. She is always looking for adventure. She is mature, and this leads to Nasu-kun liking her and changing his views that girls are freakish. Kabocha is a calm, collected person who knows what she wants out of life. Always knows the right thing to say, very determined, incredibly perceptive, a little bit protective, and is always secretly watching out for Chiizu-chan, to keep her out of trouble.
Skills: drawing, clarinet
Fails: finishing stories
Likes: drawing, reading, writing stories, keeping Chiizu out of trouble
Love Interest: Kokonatsu-kun


Name: Mew Kabocha
Colors: brown w/orange
Eye Color: copper
Hair Color: dark brown
Mark Location: top of left shoulder
Animal DNA: brush-tailed rock wallaby
Weapon: Kabocha Kurarinetto
Attack(s): Ribbon~ Kabocha Blues!
Kabocha plays a short blues song and if the notes are soft and slow they coat the ground around the enemy with a lubricant, so the ground is slippery. If the song is upbeat and fast, spikes grow out of the ground, and the spikes act as homing missiles and follow the enemy around until they strike.
The bad thing about her attack is that it takes a little bit long to activate.

Tokyo Mew Mew Fan Art
bio update, mew, mew chiizu, mew kabocha, tmm, tokyo mew mew
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