Panda Pants (Fan Art Portfolio) Glow

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I'm not dead.

Yet. '3'


Yeah, another one. First name changed 'cause I was too slow to claim the original.

Dedicated to Cherryshock 'cause she's the one who more-or-less punted me to get this character up here after several months of procrastination. 8D


Name: Lilith Belladonna

Birthday: October 31st

Age: 14 (appearance-wise; because she is an artificial being, her physical appearance has no bearing on her actual age)

Height: 5’3”

Hometown: Halloween Town

Symbol: Rose?

Main Weapon: Piano wire (spun around a giant spool fastened to her lower back via a belt around her waist). Can only use claws in berserker mode.

Keyblade: N/A -- can't touch a Keyblade without serious backlash

Likes: Making plush dolls and clothing, gardening, classical music, crows, Harlequin jesters, staying out of the spotlight.

Dislikes: Bright lights (especially the sun), overly loud noises, explosive anger, pity parties, salt water.

Hobbies: Sewing, knitting, gardening.

Fav. Color: Black

Personality: Quiet and gentle, Lilith comes off as a wallflower typically, but will blossom for certain people. She may become angry with little provocation, causing the Heartless in her chest cavity to seep through her loose shoulder joints, and occasionally falls into an all-out berserker mode when someone she is especially close to is injured by someone (or something) else.

Crush: “Riku” – rather, what is left of the Replica after his shattered Heart causes him to splinter into two beings with distinctly different personalities.

History: She was created by Dr. Finklestein as an experiment to create “life” by fusing a natural Heartless to a ball-jointed doll, only to be discarded when it was discovered that she was too dangerous to have in the lab. She discovered Repliku in Halloween Town’s graveyard and kept him as her “doll”, having him do various chores in return for food and shelter. Later still, she met and befriended Kairi on Halloween night, and was convinced by the latter to help her find Sora. The three were last seen headed for the Hinterlands.

Kingdom Hearts Fan Art
ball-jointed doll, lilith, mary sue
17 votes thumb
7 members Favoritefavorite
Claire Rey Markus wolfe shizuka101 chokolatealkemist candace yuki AnimeGanja2
Member Dedication
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