KungPowChicken (Fan Art Portfolio) Ninja Prom-Redone-

Ninja Prom-Redone-
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Hello Otakuns!

First off, this is a redone picture I did for my original "Ninja Prom" picture I did back in 2006. I'm sure some of you old Farts(Like Me XDD)/Members may remember it, or if not you can view the original here:Link

But Yeah It was fun to redraw it cause I'm not going to lie the 2006 one is CRAP DX
And also its a great way to compare and contrast how much an artist improve within the time.
So besides the obvious of my nicer coloring and better anatomy(though I still say I suck at it DX ) I changed a few poses, made the floor wood or look like wood(I didn't like the white spaces) and Naruto's suit is now Orange XD Sure there's more I did changed but I'm too lazy to explain..
I like this newer version better X3

So anyways compare and contrast!
2006 original:Link
2009 version: Your Looking At It XD
And comment and tell me what you think. Did I improve? How much? How little? Do you like it? Don't like it? Anything you want to say is fine but no harsh Criticism or Flamming.

And so I'm completely tired of drawing FanArt at the moment I need to get moving on some Original Arts or maybe just other FanArt besides Naruto =.=.. I know that was completely random and has nothing to do with the picture but I'm giving you all a hint for what my next picture might be.

No Hating, Flamming or Stealing!
Comments and Faves are appreciated and loved!

Naruto and Character © Masashi Kishimoto
Art and Concept © Me, KungPowChicken

Naruto Fan Art
dance, hinata, naruto, neji, ninja, prom, sakura, sasuke, tenten
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