Well, THIS took forever! I aciddentally stuffed it up twice in a row, and then i finally gave up and left it like it is now. I know thats it not like "OMG, it looks so realistic, cause its not. Anyways, this is my sister in my story (that i actually have started typing up)and i don't really have a sister, wish i did thought,yeah. Oh and i got the pose of Deidara in the manga, my friend said "Deidara much?" because she probaly regoinised it. Anyawys, i hope you enjoy it, love it, hate it if you wish! but please don't copy it. Its an original piece of art. Thanks (and if you wish to say anything, please do, i don't care if it is critical, because my life is hell at the moment)
amber808 (Fan Art Portfolio)
Akatsuki no Hyasa

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